Capgemini is one of the first companies in the world to have its "net zero emissions" objectives validated according to the new SBTi standard

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Capgemini is one of the first companies in the world to have its "net zero emissions" objectives validated according to the new SBT standard i

The Group has set itself more ambitious short- and long-term carbon emissions reduction targets including 90 reduction in all of its scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by 2040, and contributes to the design of new methodologies to act against climate change

Paris, September 16 2022 – In line with its ongoing commitment to fight climate change based on the latest scientific research Capgemini participated, between 2019 and 2021, in the consultation led by the Science Based Target initiative ( SBTi ) to design the new Net Zero ' standard for enterprises 1 , released in October 2021 Thus, Capgemini announces the validation by SBTi of its new carbon emission reduction targets in the short (2030) and long term (20 40 ). .

Capgemini's new objectives are to:

  • The Group's new long-term objective is to achieve a 90% reduction in all its carbon emissions on scopes 1, 2 and 3 by 2040 compared to 2019 2  ;
  • The short-term (2030) targets for Scope 3 for home-office travel and business travel have been strengthened and aim for a 55% reduction per employee compared to 2019 (compared to a 50% reduction per employee compared to 2015 previously);
  • Its Scope 1 and 2 targets (ie a total reduction of 80% by 2030) as well as its Scope 3 supply chain targets (total reduction of 50% by 2030) have also been increased, taking 2019 as a reference year rather than 2015.

“  ,The climate crisis requires strong actions, such as the new targets we have set for the Group, involving total reduction of 90 of our carbon emissions covering our entire value chain, said Aiman ​​Ezzat, Chief Executive Officer of Capgemini Group. The transition to a low-carbon economy will also require more innovation and collaboration with our partners, customers and suppliers. We welcome the clarity and transparency that the new standard brings in this area and will continue to work with partners like the SBTi and Forum for the Future to accelerate towards a more inclusive and sustainable future . ,  »

Contribute to the public debate on carbon footprint measurement
In addition to reducing its own carbon footprint, Capgemini has the ambition to help its customers save 10 million tons of CO e by 2030, thanks to its new portfolio of sustainable offerings. To monitor its progress in this area, the Group has developed an internal measurement tooland has just published a new report " Measuring impact: methodology to inform transformative project design ", withForum for the Future, an international non-profit organization specializing in sustainability. The report, which will be presented at New York Climate Week 2022, details Capgemini's greenhouse gas impact measurement methodology. It offers professional service providers recommendations on how to measure the carbon impact of the sustainable transformation projects they carry out for their clients. It is designed to enable them to make finer decisions during the design phase of the project, and to provide an accurate calculation of the impact at the end of a project.

Capgemini on the road to "net zero emissions"
Capgemini was one of the first in its sector, in 2016, to set scientifically based objectives validated by SBTi in terms of reducing carbon emissions. These were reached in January 2020, ten years earlier than expected and before the Covid lockdowns. Since then, the Group has implemented a ten-point program around the world covering business travel, home-office trips, energy consumption related to offices and data centers, but also emissions from goods and services purchased.

The Group has proactively engaged with its top 100 suppliers (representing approximately 50% of emissions across the supply chain) and is currently transitioning to 100% renewable electricity by 2025. Capgemini also recently launched aone-of-a-kind Energy Control Center (ECC),which leverages measured and forecast data to track and manage the energy performance of its campuses in India, which account for approximately a quarter of the Group's energy footprint. With an estimated 20% reduction in energy consumption since its launch, the ECC contributes significantly to the Group's overall sustainable development approach.

The group's efforts to reduce carbon emissions, mitigate climate risks and develop a low-carbon economy were recognized earlier this year by the CDP, which included it in its"List A«  " .

To learn more about Capgemini's environmental approach or read the Group's 2021/2022 environmental responsibility report, please click on the following link: .

About Capgemini
Capgemini is a global, responsible and multicultural leader, with 350,000 people in more than 50 countries. As a strategic partner of companies in the transformation of their activities by harnessing the full power of technology, the Group is guided on a daily basis by its raison d'être: to unleash human energies through technology for an inclusive and sustainable future. With 55 years of experience and extensive expertise in different sectors of activity, Capgemini is recognized by its customers for meeting all their needs, from strategy and design to operations management, taking advantage of innovations in the ever-changing fields of cloud, data, Artificial Intelligence, connectivity, software, digital engineering and platforms.The Group achieved a turnover of 18 billion euros in 2021.
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1 SBTi's Net-Zerostandard for companies is the first normative framework for companies to set carbon neutrality targets, based on climate change research. It includes the guidelines, criteria and recommendations that companies need to set net-zerotargets with scientific foundations, compatible with limiting the rise in global temperature to 1.5°C.
2 The remaining 10% of emissions are offset by high-quality carbon removal solutions.
3 Capgemini's Carbon Impact Calculator has been designed to measure CO emission reductions 2 e achieved in the context of client projects. It allows customer teams to accurately calculate and communicate the environmental impact of their projects in terms of carbon emissions. It includes features to calculate the impact of fuel, electricity, delivery , data center and water.

Source: GlobeNewswire


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